Workshop on Experimental Plasma Physics Held

Published Date: 2019-07-07, Sunday


Workshop on Experimental Plasma Physics

June 30 - July 1, 2019; Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel

Department of Physics, School of Science, Kathmandu University organized the 2 days Workshop on Experimental Plasma Physics, during June 30 - July 1, 2019 at KU Dhulikhel. The main objective of the Workshop was to discuss the experimental methods in plasma, its diagnostics and applications. In order to make it interactive the program was limited to 30 participants. The inaugural program and first session of the workshop was held was held at the CV Raman Hall on 30th of June. Dean of School of Science, Prof. Dr. Kanhaiya Jha inaugurated the Workshop and in inaugural address, he welcomed the participants and also highlighted the importance of such programs for the recently started M.Sc. (Physics) program. Prof. Dr. Arun Sharma from VIT University, Chennai, India was the invited resource person of the workshop along with local experts of the field. The inaugural program was followed by a seminar on plasma diagnostics. Prof. Dr. Raju Khanal and Prof. Dr. Deepak Prasad Subedi, coordinators of the workshop presented a summary of the plasma research activities in Nepal. The second half of the day was started at School of Science which consisted of seminar and Hands-on Lab Activities at the plasma physics laboratory during which the research students involved in the laboratory demonstrated their experiments to the participants and were allowed to control few parameters themselves.

The second day of the workshop was opened with a seminar on probe diagnostics of plasma. In his elaborated talk Prof. Sharma presented a detailed description of electrical characterization of plasma by different types of electrical probes. The seminar was followed by Lab Activities at the plasma physics laboratory. The second half of the day consisted of special session on Plasma in Industry. Prof. Sharma presented important examples of application of plasma in industries. There was enthusiastic discussion with the participants in this session.

This was followed by the closing ceremony of the workshop. Prof. Dr. Deepak Prasad Subedi, Director of RDC KU and and Dr. Ujjwal Man Joshi, Head of the Department of Physics facilitated the resource person Prof. Dr. Arun Sharma. Prof. Sharma and Prof. Subedi distributed the certificates to the participants and the session concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof. Subedi.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2019-07-07,Sunday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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